24 Oct No Comments admin Bagpiper ,

Tips for Taking Care of Your Bagpipes

Travelling with an instrument is not an easy job. There are many things that you need to take care of to avoid damage to your most prized possession. And, when it comes to an intricately designed instrument such as a bagpipe, the care and attention required is on a different level altogether. Here, we have compiled a few tips to help you take care of your bagpipe when travelling:

  • Keep your Bag Efficient: A bag that is inflated may have an air leak. You should therefore periodically check on the drone reeds, blowpipe valves, stocks and seals to ensure that your bag is healthy. As long as the air pressure (within the bag) is under control, there is no need to worry!
  • Keep your Pipes Healthy: Clean your pipes as you would when you’re at home. Uncleanliness can lead to the formation of fungi on the pipes which in turn can cause lung infection/disease known as Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. Bagpipe Lung as it is also called has claimed a number of lives in the past.
  • Keep an Eye on the Weather: Though bagpipes are robust and suited for all climatic conditions, it is still wise to take a second set of pipes, especially if it seems that it’ll rain on your parade.
  • Exercise in your Breaks: Circular breathing and not leisurely walking will help improve your wind! So, make sure that you take some time out for strenuous, physical exercise. This will also help improve your blood circulation and overall health.
  • Pick the Right Case: This is vital to the maintenance of your instrument. A compact case which is specifically designed for bagpipes would be best while travelling. The case should be lightweight and robust and with foam padded shell such that the bagpipe slides in easily.

With the aforementioned tips in mind, you would be able to take good care of your bagpipes.